Hair loss

May 2018


Do you know the causes of hair loss?

Today the stress caused by overwork, as well as emotional problems, can be the source of the loss of half to three-quarters of the hair on the scalp. This type of hair loss is called telogen effluvium.

This sign of hair loss occurs gradually and can be patchy or generalized (diffuse). People lose approximately 100 hairs from their heads every day. The scalp has around 100,000 hairs. It is common in young women, but it can also happen in mature ages.

When there is a telogen effluvium, the hair fibers begin to shed due to the inactivity in which the follicles enter, and although this ends up resulting in different forms of hair loss, such as falling out in strands while shampooing, it is comb or run the fingers of the hands through the hair, in these cases the important thing is to discover the cause.

What causes telogen effluvium? The causes are varied and caused by different situations:

  • Medications, especially antidepressants.
  • Hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. Either of these two states, being organic imbalances, have important consequences on the activity of the follicles.
  • After giving birth. A sudden change in hormone levels caused by birth is a major impact on the body, which can naturally lead to some uncalculated hair loss.
  • Traumas (or accidents that may have caused the loss of a loved one that leads to a person suffering from depression, nervousness or serious emotional problems).
  • Ultraviolet radiation.
  • Stress caused by chronic diseases.
  • Diet (sedentary lifestyle)
  • Quality of hygiene products for hair care

How can we solve it?
The main thing is to find the cause of the problem to solve it.
When it comes to stress, we must try to reduce the sources that cause it (whether it is work, tension or emotional stress) and its consequence will also have a favorable effect on the hair.
When there are traumas, it is necessary for the emotional state to return to a more stable situation, an attempt should be made to reestablish something that went out of its usual state until the person achieves a balance between his mind and his body.

It is necessary to avoid the consumption of foods lacking in properties that the organism needs, to improve eating habits by balancing our diet and to consume products that contain more nutrients for our body.

Some of the most used treatments are vitamin and nutritional supplements. Its intake and dose must be adjusted to each case. Also the local application of Ayurvedic oils such as Akalapalitha and Brungamalaka contribute to strengthening the scalp. The objective will be to provide the root of the hair follicle with the necessary material to produce new hair.

Similarly, there are alternative therapies that assist in the hair recovery process. Ayurveda has treatments to prevent hair loss and regain its shine, strength and hydration, through Shiro Pichu therapy. This treatment consists of the application of Ayurvedic oil at a moderate temperature on a cotton cloth, focused on the upper part of the head to strengthen the hair and scalp, as well as raising the mind to a state of relaxation, preventing hair loss and avoiding the premature appearance of gray hair, in addition to being beneficial for the treatment of headaches produced by constant stress, dandruff, etc.

Remember that your hair needs certain conditions to be healthy, strong and beautiful, the first of which is not to stress when these symptoms are identified.


Erika fricke
In 2012 she was certified as an Ayurvedic Massage Therapist with Dr. M. Hettige, Director of the "Deegayu International Institute of Ayurveda & Traditional Medicine" in Sri Lanka. Upon returning to Nicaragua, he founded the first Ayurvedic massage center in the country.

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