What are Ayurvedic Marmas Massages?

Oct 2015


Origin of massages

Massages come from the evolution of mammals, monkeys, for example, pinch their babies as a form of massage, which over time has become today a type of massage technique.

It is also known that Roman and Greek soldiers after training massaged their bodies to relieve pain.

It was at the beginning of the 19th century (1800) that the Swedish scientist Henrik Ling, taking up the ancestral knowledge of different cultures, helped to develop the massage technique, introducing it as a technical career at the university.

Massage is conceived as a scientific manipulation of the soft tissues of the human body.

Ayurvedic massage combines Western technique with ancestral wisdom, focusing on the marmas points to which pressure or circular movements are applied using the tips of the thumbs on the index fingers.

Benefits of Ayurvedic marmas massages

Ayurvedic marmas massages mainly work with the lymphatic system made up of vessels, lymphatic fluids and nodes (nodes). The main function of the lymphatic system is to activate and maintain the body's immune system, remove fluids from the tissues, and the absorption and transport of fats through the circulatory system, therefore Ayurvedic massage has a direct benefit throughout the human body. .

Ayurvedic massages are intended to:

  • Eliminate excesses
  • Purify
  • Strengthen or rejuvenate
  • Keep the fortress

The first two respond to reduction therapies and the following two to strengthening and relaxation therapies.

The benefits of massage for the skin in general consist of:

  • Removes dead skin cells and therefore roughness.
  • Improves blood circulation in skin cells which improves nutrition and supplies oxygen
  • Cells grow healthier in the human body.

In addition to this, and according to the area of care, massages benefit:

  • Relax and energize the body.
  • Improves hair health and prevents hair loss.
  • Helps reduce rheumatic pain and osteoporosis problems.
  • Decreases headaches, migraine

Philosophically massages are a combination of mental health, physical health, social health and spiritual health.


Erika fricke
In 2012 she was certified as an Ayurvedic Massage Therapist with Dr. M. Hettige, Director of the "Deegayu International Institute of Ayurveda & Traditional Medicine" in Sri Lanka. Upon returning to Nicaragua, he founded the first Ayurvedic massage center in the country.

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