Posttraumatic stress

Apr 2018

Did you know…

Post-traumatic stress is a disease that occurs after living or seeing traumatic events such as wars, rapes, kidnappings, physical abuse, serious accidents, natural disasters such as hurricanes, earthquakes. Post-traumatic stress causes a person to feel stressed and fearful at all times or places where they are after the danger has passed. It affects your life, that of your family members and that of all the people around you.

Post-traumatic stress can lead to problems like:

  • Difficulty sleeping including nightmares.
  • Flashback or the feeling that the event is happening again
  • Feeling of loneliness
  • Go to
  • Feelings of worry, guilt, or sadness.
  • Impotence
  • Depression
  • Melancholia
  • Irritability and palpitations.

The symptoms, depending on the characteristics of the people, last from a month to more and affect the ability of people to resume their normal life both at home, at work, study center, public places or in any situation Social.


It is recommended that after having gone through any event that may have triggered post-traumatic stress, immediate psychological support is received. At an individual or collective level, relaxation exercises through rhythmic breathing are essential to reach stages of meditation and introspection that allow internal balance. Also and no less important are religious and / or spiritual practices such as praying, praying, decreeing. All with the aim of helping to calm and harmonize the body, mind, emotions to achieve states of relaxation, concentration, balance and peace.

To break the cycle of problems caused by post-traumatic stress, determination is required, _only the affected person can take the first step_, self-discipline, purpose, conviction, support in people or centers for the "start" while adopting the routine that represents the balm for your life, body and soul.

Recalling post-traumatic events, losses, griefs, helplessness, and other forms of pain with fear undermines the capacity for spiritual connection, mental and physical recovery, delaying the ability to obtain the pure energy of the universe to move forward with renewed purposes. It is easy to write but requires a lot of internal strength to move forward. The family, the people around are key to the process, without pressure or reproach.

A good diet, the realization of creative activities, exercise and a good rest, are the key to overcome this situation. It is recommended, as far as possible, to exercise at least 30 minutes. States of reluctance, apathy, can occur for each of these initiatives or others, but it requires will, strength and to return, to try again.

Conclude that family support is essential, therefore family therapy will help those suffering from post-traumatic stress to communicate with their loved ones, deal with their emotions and feelings but above all to improve the relationship of coexistence with the family, pillar of society. Today we have on the internet countless tips, video practices to know what others have already experienced. And at the level of form with people and centers interested in collaborating.


Erika fricke
In 2012 she was certified as an Ayurvedic Massage Therapist with Dr. M. Hettige, Director of the "Deegayu International Institute of Ayurveda & Traditional Medicine" in Sri Lanka. Upon returning to Nicaragua, he founded the first Ayurvedic massage center in the country.

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